
Burly Queens 4 Week Competitive Burlesque Course

Are you a Burly Queen in the making? Is this the year you take your burlesque to the next level? Join us for the BURLY QUEENS Competitive Burlesque Course with the award-winning Sugar du Joure!

In this strictly limited course, Sugar will share her extensive expertise with budding burly queens of all backgrounds. Focusing exclusively on the world of competitive burlesque, including festival applications, this course will walk you through the key aspects of how to impress while staying true to your brand of performance. Learn tips, tricks, and pitfalls of working in different styles, performing to judges, and polishing your brand – plus learn some classic choreo to get you inspired.

Sugar has years of experience on the festival and competitive circuit both locally, nationally and internationally, having snapped up titles like Miss Showgirl Couture, Miss Burlesque WA, and 1st RU Miss Burlesque Australia (the highest placing WA contestant in the national finals!). Burlesque has taken Sugar all over the world – let her share her experiences and help inspire you to take the next step on your performance journey!

Course runs Tuesdays 8.15-9.15pm, April 17-May 8 inclusive.
Enrolment $100 per person – no registration fees!
Email info@ladyvelvetcabaret.com.au to find out more or sign up.

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