
In The News – the Sweet Treats Fundraiser show!

Today has been an absolute whirlwind! This morning The Post newspaper came out, featuring a spread with Yours Truly in the Time Out section to promote the Sweet Treats fundraiser show! It was a real thrill and it’s fantastic to see Chayla Taylor‘s beautiful shot in print too!

The Post 4th April 2015

The Post 4th April 2015


In the afternoon I had the great fun of modelling for a group of university students attending a life drawing course. Modelling in poses for 10 minutes and more, it was great fun to get dolled up and provide some poses with a focus on costume and styling for the students – their work was just fantastic!

A cheeky snap from Life Drawing class today!

A cheeky snap from Life Drawing class today!


Of course the day was not done yet – I dashed all the way across down so I wouldn’t miss a photoshoot scheduled at our Subiaco dance studio with myself and some of my gorgeous Lady Velvet Cabaret colleagues for the Community Newspaper Group! In glam costumes we posed for our wonderful photographer Marcus (who risked life and limb to get the best shots possible) and we are eagerly awaiting the results – keep an eye out for us next Tuesday! Gorgeous journalist Tanya and I had a quick interview so expect lots of details and goss in the accompanying article. Big thanks to the team at Community News, my LVC girls, and LVC management for setting up these fab PR opportunities!

Many selfies were taken after the official photoshoot was over - can't waste an opportunity like this!

Many selfies were taken after the official photoshoot was over – can’t waste an opportunity like this!

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