
The Goss: Sweet Treats Fundraiser!

Wow! What a weekend!

I am absolutely blown away with the support from such a huge audience at the Sweet Treats Fundraiser… it was such an amazing opportunity for me and I felt so much love from everyone who attended, and those wonderful people who performed.

I’d like to send BIG thanks to the hard-working team of directors and manager of Lady Velvet Cabaret – I really appreciate all the hard work and extra hours that went into organising this fundraiser to help me get to the London Burlesque Festival!

Thank you also to all the AMAZING performers who gigged for me out of the kindness of their sparkling hearts – Lola Moore, Bambi la Belle, Lucinda Panties, Monet Petite, Lady Pussyfoot, Ginger Snaps, Candy Cheeks, Ivana B Serious, Darla Harland, Essie Foxglove, Pirateman, Ayden Doherty and Adam Peter Scott! I am so humbled that you’d give up your time to support me.
Congratulations and thank you to the gorgeous Lady Velvet Cabaret students who performed, it was a thrill to watch you, especially my fabulous Pinup and Burlesque students – you were fantastic despite the nerves and your debut onstage was something to be very proud of.

I’d also like to thank Jennifer Villalobos Photography, Della Photography, and the film crew who are working so hard on producing a documentary all about yours truly! Cannot wait to see the results.The show gave me more than I could have ever dreamed of – it was such a fab day and I can’t think of a better way to bid farewell before my London trip!x Sugar du Joure


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